June 01 2021


This manipulation involves using the random battle feature of each game to find the current seed and hitting the right frame when confirming the trainer name to get the desired starters RNG. This program allows this manipulation technique to work as it assists the runner into all these steps with user-friendliness being a priority.

RingCentral Meetings App for PC, Mac, Android, and iOS RingCentral Meetings is an HD video conferencing and screen sharing solution. You can host unlimited video conference calls and share content while meeting and collaborating with anyone, any time, on any device. You’re about 7-8 years too late on your discovery, pal. Smogon Researchers started work on this back in 2011; RNG manipulation (on emulator) was possible later that year, the Japanese figured out Retail Abuse a couple years later, and there’s a crapton of RNG tools for both emulator + Retail abuse available on the web by this point. The latest version of Random Number Generator can be downloaded for Mac OS X 10.6 or later. The most popular version of the software is 1.0. Randomnumbergeneratorosx.zip and Random%20Number%20Generator%20OSX.zip are the most common filenames for this app's installer.

AMD Random Number Generator Library

AMD Random Number Generator Library is a pseudorandom number generator library. A pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) produces a stream of variates that are independent and statistically indistinguishable from a random sequence. AMD Random Number Generator Library provides a comprehensive set of statistical distribution functions which are founded on various underlying uniform distribution generators (base generators) including Wichmann-Hill and Mersenne Twister. The library contains five base generators and twenty-three distribution generators. In addition users can supply a custom built generator as the base generator for all of the distribution generators.

AMD Secure RNG Library


The AMD Secure Random Number Generator (RNG) is a library that provides APIs to access the cryptographically secure random numbers generated by AMD’s hardware-based random number generator implementation. These are high quality robust random numbers designed to be suitable for cryptographic applications. The library makes use of RDRAND and RDSEED x86 instructions exposed by the AMD hardware. Applications can just link to the library and invoke either a single or a stream of random numbers. The random numbers can be of 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit or arbitrary size bytes.

Mac Os Versions

The TrueCrypt random number generator (RNG) is used to generate the master encryption key, the secondary key (XTS mode), salt, and keyfiles. It creates a pool of random values in RAM (memory). The pool, which is 320 bytes long, is filled with data from the following sources:

Ring Mac Os App

  • Mouse movements
  • Keystrokes
  • Mac OS X and Linux: Values generated by the built-in RNG (both /dev/random and/dev/urandom)
  • MS Windows only: MS Windows CryptoAPI (collected regularly at 500-ms interval)
  • MS Windows only: Network interface statistics (NETAPI32)
  • MS Windows only: Various Win32 handles, time variables, and counters (collected regularly at 500-ms interval)

Before a value obtained from any of the above-mentioned sources is written to the pool, it is divided into individual bytes (e.g., a 32-bit number is divided into four bytes). These bytes are then individually written to the pool with the modulo 28 addition operation (not by replacing the old values in the pool) at the position of the pool cursor. After a byte is written, the pool cursor position is advanced by one byte. When the cursor reaches the end of the pool, its position is set to the beginning of the pool. After every 16th byte written to the pool, the pool mixing function is automatically applied to the entire pool (see below).

Pool Mixing Function

The purpose of this function is to perform diffusion [2]. Diffusion spreads the influence of individual “raw” input bits over as much of the pool state as possible, which also hides statistical relationships. After every 16th byte written to the pool, this function is applied to the entire pool.

Description of the pool mixing function:

  1. Let R be the randomness pool.
  2. Let H be the hash function selected by the user (SHA-512, RIPEMD-160, or Whirlpool).
  3. l = byte size of the output of the hash function H (i.e., if H is RIPEMD-160, then l = 20; if H is SHA-512, l = 64)
  4. z = byte size of the randomness pool R (320 bytes)
  5. q = z / l – 1 (e.g., if H is Whirlpool, then q = 4)
  6. R is divided into l-byte blocks B0Bq.

    For 0 i q (i.e., for each block B) the following steps are performed:

    1. M = H (B0 B1 Bq) [i.e., the randomness pool is hashed using the hash function H, which produces a hashM]
    2. Bi = Bi ^ M
  7. R = B0 B1 Bq

For example, if q = 1, the randomness pool would be mixed as follows:

  1. (B0 B1) = R
  2. B0 = B0 ^ H(B0 B1)
  3. B1 = B1 ^ H(B0 B1)
  4. R = B0 B1

Generated Values

The content of the RNG pool is never directly exported (even when TrueCrypt instructs the RNG to generate and export a value). Thus, even if the attacker obtains a value generated by the RNG, it is infeasible for him to determine or predict (using the obtained value) any other values generated by the RNG during the session (it is infeasible to determine the content of the pool from a value generated by the RNG).

The RNG ensures this by performing the following steps whenever TrueCrypt instructs it to generate and export a value:

  1. Data obtained from the sources listed above is added to the pool as described above.
  2. The requested number of bytes is copied from the pool to the output buffer (the copying starts from the position of the pool cursor; when the end of the pool is reached, the copying continues from the beginning of the pool; if the requested number of bytes is greater than the size of the pool, no value is generated and an error is returned).
  3. The state of each bit in the pool is inverted (i.e., 0 is changed to 1, and 1 is changed to 0).
  4. Data obtained from some of the sources listed above is added to the pool as described above.
  5. The content of the pool is transformed using the pool mixing function. Note: The function uses a cryptographically secure one-way hash function selected by the user (for more information, see the section Pool Mixing Function above).
  6. The transformed content of the pool is XORed into the output buffer as follows:
    1. The output buffer write cursor is set to 0 (the first byte of the buffer).
    2. The byte at the position of the pool cursor is read from the pool and XORed into the byte in the output buffer at the position of the output buffer write cursor.
    3. The pool cursor position is advanced by one byte. If the end of the pool is reached, the cursor position is set to 0 (the first byte of the pool).
    4. The position of the output buffer write cursor is advanced by one byte.
    5. Steps b–d are repeated for each remaining byte of the output buffer (whose length is equal to the requested number of bytes).
    6. The content of the output buffer, which is the final value generated by the RNG, is exported.

Ring App Mac Os

Design Origins

The design and implementation of the random number generator are based on the following works:

  • Software Generation of Practically Strong Random Numbers by Peter Gutmann [10]
  • Cryptographic Random Numbers by Carl Ellison [11]


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