The Book Of Regrets Mac OS

The Book Of Regrets Mac OS

May 31 2021

The Book Of Regrets Mac OS

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The book of regrets mac os x
  • Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger is the fifth major release of the Mac OS X. Tiger was released to the public on April 29, 2005, for US$ 129.5 as the successor to the Mac OS X 10.3 Panther. Some new features are included in this version, which includes a fast searching system called Spotlight, new version of Safari web browser, Dashboard, a new.
  • Calendar of Regrets is a wildly inventive and visually rich collage of twelve interconnected narratives, one for each month of the year, all pertaining to notions of travel—through time, space, narrative, and death. The poisoning of the painter Hieronymus Bosch; anchorman Dan Rather’s mysterious mugging on Park Avenue as he strolls home alone one October evening; a series of postcard.

The Book of Regrets is an enjoyable collection of short stories, skillfully written to reflect the experiences, thoughts, and emotions to which many readers can relate in their own lives and relationships.

MOXiI - 2nd Edition - Volume I - Table of Contents

The TOC for Volume II is also out. Requests/Comments welcome.

Note: DO NOT buy this book on Amazon - because it's no longer the right one - I explain here
  1. Prerequisites
    • OS X:
      • XCode and its command line tools
      • 10.11: System Integrity Protection (SIP)
    • iOS:
      • Jailbreaking your device
      • Setting up SSH and authorized_keys
      • Setting up USB port forwarding
      • Completing the iOS Binary command set
      • Compiling with the iOS SDK
    • The Companion Website (
  2. Chapter 1: Darwinism -The Evolution of OS X
    • The Pre-Darwin Era: Mac OS Classic
    • The Prodigal Son: NeXTSTEP
    • Enter: OS X
    • OS X Versions, to Date
      • 10.0 - Cheetah and the First Foray
      • 10.1 - Puma -a Stronger Feline, but . . .
      • 10.2 - Jaguar - Getting Better
      • 10.3 - Panther and Safari
      • 10.4 - Tiger and Intel Transition
      • 10.5 - Leopard and UNIX
      • 10.6 - Snow Leopard
      • 10.7 - Lion
      • 10.8 - Mountain Lion
      • 10.9 - Mavericks
      • 10.10 - Yosemite
      • 10.11 - El Capitan
    • iOS-OS X Goes Mobile
      • 1.x-Heavenly and the First iPhone
      • 2.x - App Store, 3G and Corporate Features
      • 3.x - Farewell, 1st gen, Hello iPad
      • 4.x - iPhone4, Apple TV, and the iPad 2
      • 5.x - To the iPhone 4S and Beyond
      • 6.x - The iPhone 5 and the first mini
      • 7.x - Sochi - The 5S, and the move to 64-bit
      • 8.x - Okemo - The 6 and 6+
      • 9.x - Monarch - The 6S/6S+, iPad Pro
    • WatchOS
    • TvOS
    • iOS vs. OS X
    • The Future of OS X Obviously in need of an update..
    • References
    • Summary
  3. New chapter: Hardware
    • Mac devices Listing Hardware profiles and KEXts in..
    • i-devices
      • Model Numbers and Code Names
      • Processor Types
    • Hardware Specifications
      • CPU and RAM specifications
      • Retrieving other specifications
        • OS X: Using the SPSupport private framework
        • OS X: Using the System Management BIOS
        • iOS: Using MobileGestalt
        • iOS: Using SysCfg
        • Experiment: Figuring out your device specs
    • Other devices: Time Machine, Airport, AppleTV, the iPod Nano* and the Apple Watch
  4. Chapter 2: E Pluribus Unum: Architecture of OS X and iOS
    • OS X Architectural Overview
    • The User Experience Layer
      • Aqua
      • Quicklook
      • Spotlight
    • Darwin - The UNIX Core
      • The Shell
      • The File System
    • Filesystem Directories:
      • UNIX System Directories
      • OS X Specific Directories
      • iOS File System Idiosyncrasies
    • Interlude: Bundles
    • Applications
      • Info.plist
      • Resources
      • NIB Files
      • Internationalization with .lproj Files
      • Icons (.icns)
      • CodeResources
      • The LaunchServices Framework
        • Installing an Application
        • The LaunchServices Database
        • URL Schemes
        • Universal Type Identifiers (UTIs)
        • Claims
    • Frameworks
      • Framework Bundle Format
      • List of OS X and iOS Public Frameworks
      • List of OS X and iOS Private FrameworksExperiment: Demonstrating but a few of the Private iOS frameworks
    • Libraries Updated
    • Other Application types
      • System Calls
      • POSIX
      • Mach System Calls
    • A High-Level View of XNU
      • Mach
      • The BSD Layer
      • libkern
      • I/O Kit
    • Summary
    • References
  5. Chapter 3: On the Shoulders of Giants - OS X and iOS Technologies
    • BSD heirlooms
      • sysctl new: list of important sysctls
      • kqueues
      • Auditing (OS X) Parsing the audit logs manually + Experiment: Configuring and controlling auditing
      • Mandatory Access Control
    • OS X and iOS Specific Technologies
      • Directory Services
      • User and Group Management (OS X)
      • System Configuration
      • Logging Greatly expanded to cover ASL
      • Apple Events and AppleScript
      • FSEvents
      • Notifications Experiment: Viewing system notifications
    • Additional APIs of interest
    • OS X and iOS Security Mechanisms
    • Code signing
    • Compartmentalization (Sandboxing)
    • Entitlements: Making the Sandbox Tighter Still
    • Enforcing the Sandbox
    • Summary
    • References
  6. Promenade: A tour of OS X and iOS Files and Frameworks
    • Common Directories and Files
    • OS X: The system databases
      • User database
      • Keychains
    • iOS: The system Databases
      • System Logs
      • User Info
        • Accounts
        • Contacts
        • Call, VoiceMail and SMS DBs
        • Mail
        • Safari
        • Springboard settings
        • Location Database
  7. New Chapter: (split from Chapter 4) Mach-O updated for 10.8-10.10, and header patching/editing
    • Executables
    • Universal Binaries
    • Mach-O Binaries
      • The Mach-O header
      • Load commands processed by kernel
        • LC_SEGMENT[_64]
        • LC_MAIN
        • LC_UUID
        • LC_THREAD
    • The Dynamic Linker
      • The role of the dynamic linker
      • Load commands processed by the Linker
        • LC_LOAD_DYLIB and friends
        • LC_LOAD_DYLIB
        • LC_RPATH
        • LC_DYLD_INFO
        • LC_DATA_IN_CODE
    • Launch-Time Loading of Libraries Updated for ARM64 stubs
    • Shared Library Caches more info on shared cache format, 32,64
      • Experiment: Extracting files from a shared cache
      • Overriding the Shared Cache
    • Runtime Loading of Libraries
    • dyld Features
    • __LINKEDIT segment
    • dyld opcodes
    • debugging dyld
    • Experiments with JTool
  8. Chapter 4: Parts of the Process: Mach-O Process and Thread Internals
    • A Nomenclature Refresher
    • Processes and threads
    • The Process Lifecycle
    • UNIX Signals
    • Executables
    • Universal Binaries
    • Mach-O Binaries
      • The Mach-O header
    • Dynamic Libraries
    • Launch-Time Loading of Libraries
    • Runtime Loading of Libraries
    • dyld Features
    • Process Address Space
      • The process entry point
      • Address Space Layout Randomization
      • 32-Bit (Intel)
      • 64-Bit (Intel)
      • 32-Bit (iOS)
      • 64-Bit (iOS)
      • Experiment: Using vmmap(1) to Peek Inside a Process' Address Space
    • Process Memory Allocation (User Mode)
    • Memory Pressure and Jetsam
    • Virtual Memory-The sysadmin Perspective
    • Swapping (OS X)
    • Threads
      • Unraveling threads
      • POSIX Thread APIs
      • Not-So-POSIX Thread APIs
    • GCD Internals
    • References
  9. New Chapter: IPC in OS X and iOS
    • Traditional UNIX mechanisms
      • UNIX Domain sockets
      • IP sockets
      • System-V mechanisms
    • Mach messages
      • high level view of messages and ports
      • Bootstrap ports vs. ephemeral
      • mach_msg
      • Experiment: A simple Mach message client and server
    • XPC
      • Theory and design
      • Implementation
      • Integration with GCD
      • Changes in 10.10/8
  10. New chapter: The Runtime Environments
    • Objective-C
      • Theory and rationale
      • Classes, Protocols, etc
      • objc_msgsend()
      • The Mach-O sections
      • Class dumping and reverse engineering
      • Experiment: Deconstructing an Objective-C binary using JTool
    • Swift
      • Theory and rationale
      • Interpreter vs. Compiler
      • Mangling
      • The runtime environment
      • Decompiiling
  11. Chapter 5. Non Sequitur: Process Tracing and Debugging
    • DTrace
      • The D Language
      • dtruss
      • Another example or two of advanced DTrace with OS X specific probes
      • How DTrace Works Updates on DTrace internals, CTF, etc
    • Other Profiling Mechanisms
      • The Decline and Fall of CHUD
      • AppleProfileFamily: Another one bites the dust
      • Kperf
    • Process Information
      • sysctl More on KERN_PROCARGS, etc
      • proc_info Even more on my favorite syscall
      • (Re)Introducing: Process Explorer
    • Process and system snapshots
      • system_profiler(8)
      • sysdiagnose(1) - and the new iOS9 sysdiagnose (w/Host Special Port)
      • systemstats (10.9)
      • allmemory
      • stackshot
      • stack_snapshot Updates for micro-stackshots and 10.11 stackshots
    • KDebug
      • KDebug-Based Utilities
      • kdebug codes
      • Writing kdebug messages
      • Reading kdebug messages
      • KDebug and CoreProfile
      • 10.11/iOS 9 KDebug enhancements
      • Introducing: KDebugView
    • 10.9: Telemetry
    • 10.10: proc_trace_log
    • Application Crashes
      • Application Hangs and Sampling
      • iOS: Jetsam
    • Memory Bugs
      • Memory Corruption Bugs
      • Memory Leaks
        • heap(1)
        • leaks(1)
        • malloc_history
    • Standard UNIX tools
    • Using GDB
    • Using LLDB
    • Summary
    • References
    • Installation Images
    • Software updates
  12. Moved to Volume II
  13. Chapter 6. Alone in the Dark: The Boot ProcessBoot, Panic, and Shutdown
    • EFI, Demystified
    • OS X and boot.efi
      • Flow of Boot.efi
      • Booting the kernel
      • kernel callbacks into EFI
      • boot.efi in LionMavericks
      • Core-Storage induced changes
      • Count your blessings
      • Experiment: Running EFI Programs on a Mac
    • iOS and iBoot
      • Precursor: the Boot ROM
      • Normal boot
      • Recovery Mode
      • DFU Mode
      • iOS software images (.ipsw) and OTA images (dydiff, etc)
      • iBoot - Structure and flow
      • APTickets, SHSHs, etc
    • Hibernation
    • moved to Vol II
  14. Chapter 7. The Alpha and Omega - Launchd and the GUI Shells
    • Launchd
      • Starting Launchd
      • System-Wide vs. per User (pre 10.10/8)
      • Daemons and Agents
      • The Many Faces of Launchd
      • 10.10/8 - Launchd, reborn - updates on new features in launchd
      • Experiment: Using launchctl (10.10/8)
    • Launch Services
    • GUI Environments
      • Finder (OS X)
      • SpringBoard (iOS) Updated to include SB APIs
      • SwitchBoard (and the alleged iOS 'prototypes')
      • Handling GUI events
        • Tracing the flow of an event - from hardware to UI Message
        • Intercepting and injecting GUI events
        • Experiment: fun with MultiTouch on OS X and iOS

  15. ... at this rate, this might end up being a mini book of its own.. :-)
  16. New Chapter: OS X and iOS Security
    • OS X and iOS Security Mechanisms
    • The Security framework, in depth
    • MACF
    • KAuth
    • Keychains, Keybags, and more
    • Filesystem Encryption
      • OS X (FileVault 2)
      • iOS
    • Rootless (OS X 10.11, iOS9
    • Patch guard (iOS 9)
    • Code signing (greatly expanded to describe LC_CODE_SIGNATURE, 10.10 mods (csr..)
    • Compartmentalization (Sandboxing)
    • Entitlements: Making the Sandbox Tighter Still
      • The SecTask APIs
      • csops
      • List of known entitlements
    • Device provisioning and Management (MDM)
    • Developer Certificates
    • Enforcing the Sandbox
      • The evolution of sandboxd - from seatbelt (10.5) to 10.10
      • AMFI New content, up to AMFI 130 150 (10.11)
      • System Integrity Protection ('rootless') (10.11)
    • OS X: Vulnerabilities, past and present
      • dyld issues in 10.10.x
      • rootpipe
      • tpwn
    • iOS: Jailbreaking, a history Explanation of iOS Exploits
      • JailBreakMe 1-3
      • The LimeRa1n exploit
      • colorful sn0w
      • evasi0n
      • evasi0n7
      • Pangu
      • Pangu 8
      • Taig (8.1.2)
      • Pangu 9!
    • Privacy and TCCd

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Experience an interactive story like never before! Escape dangerous dungeons, befriend or kill enigmatic creatures, and solve puzzles as you explore a mysterious world. Your decisions directly impact the story in various ways.

The Book Of Regrets Mac Os X

You wake up in a dark dungeon. You can’t remember where you came from or why you’re here. As soon as you stand up on your feet, you hear a frightening scream. You dash, hoping to avoid whatever it was. Your goal becomes evidently clear: escape this maddening place.

History Of Mac Os

Experience a unique blend of visual novel and text-based adventure gameplay! Make choices to determine your desired path, converse with monsters, and gain information and items. Solve puzzles and survive encounters with interesting minigames sprinkled throughout the treacherous complex.

40 achievements to unlock encourage trying different options! Leaderboards allow you to see your friends’ progress!

The Book Of Regrets Mac Os 8

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The Book Of Regrets Mac OS

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